Better Data = Better Outbound

Unfortunately, 40% of contact records sold today are wrong – and don’t reach their target.

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“As much as
40 percent
of all B2B sales leads
contain bad data.”

Source: B2B News Network, Apr 9, 2018
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Our Path to 95% Data Accuracy
(anyone that claims higher is lying)


Information is gathered from billions of data points, from only the most reliable sources. No
crowd-sourcing. No using data from other suppliers (60% of it is wrong or incomplete). We only gather data with our own proprietary programs and systems, which are constantly being updated and improved.


Many times, data doesn’t match, even though all the sources are good. Our programs decide which source is most reliable for each individual data point. Despite what others claim, correct data can’t be determined by triangulation or consensus.

Programs + People

Programs tell us a lot, and at warp speed. But some answers can only be found by people. Our data specialists search to fill in the blanks – the grey area that computers can’t know (at least, not yet).

Create Profiles

Once data is compiled and checked, individual contact profiles are created. They continue to be enriched as more info is found, or when new fields are added.


Every record is checked and updated at least every 30 days. All changes are identified and recorded, and every data field is updated instantly!

Email Verification

Every contact is assigned an email address, based on a combination of algorithms and search. Then it’s verified with our own programs and methodology. Unverified emails (non-validated catchalls only) are assigned accuracy probabilities, although many are verified over time.

Final Data Check

All leads are verified one last time before being added to your list. If we can’t corroborate all data at the moment of truth, we don’t sell it. Without this last step, we couldn’t guarantee deliverability.

* We sometimes encourage using lower-probability contacts, depending on your market and sales metrics. The final decision is always yours.