(average price per record)
Since we provide the industry’s most customized data, it’s impossible to quote prices until we know exactly what you need.

What You Get

Nothing to Research
Lifetime Contact Updates
95% Data Accuracy
Guaranteed Reachability
6M Companies, 130M Contacts
Dedicated Success Manager
Marketing-ready Leads
Skull Sessions

What Kind of B2B Leads
Are You Looking For?

Do I need to sign a contract to work with you on a single project?

Nope. No contract required for single projects.

How much do you charge for a single project?

Our prices vary depending on the project size and complexity. We’ll need to talk first. Call us at 800-975-6501 (M-F 9-6 Pacific) or complete our simple form.

I need leads every month, do you have a monthly subscription plan?

Yes, of course. We can work with you to come up with a subscription plan that makes sense for all. Call us at 800-975-6501 (M-F 9-6 Pacific) or complete our simple form.

How do you guarantee reachability?

Any lead that we provide, we guarantee it’s validity (valid = real person + correct email address). If the lead isn’t valid, we’ll replace it with 3 new ones.

What makes your leads better than the competition?

We have the largest most accurate B2B database that’s powered by AI. Plus, we employ specialized researchers who work with you to ensure you get contacts and companies who fit your profile. We do not use a cookie-cutter or one-size-fits-all approach to leads – everything we do is specialized for each client and campaign.